REACh is the new European Union (EU) Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACh). Its main objective is to protect human health and the environment. REACh requires the registration of about 30,000 existing substances (industry-wide) in the following timeline:
- 2008 (December 01) start of preregistration
- Until 2010 (November 30) registration of
>1mt/year CMR’s (carcinogens, mutagen or toxic to reproduction)
>100mt/year very toxic to the aquatic environment
>1.000mt/year - Until 2013 (May 31) registration of >100mt/year
- Until 2018 (May 31) registration of >1mt/year
- The registration process requires manufacturers and importers to generate data for all chemicals produced or imported into the EU in quantities larger than one ton per year. The registrants must also identify appropriate risk management measures and communicate them to users.
- VonKempisResources is well prepared and will ensure preregistration of imported chemicals under REACh
- VonKempisResources actively supports the targets of REACh. Ensuring a high level of protection for human health and the environment is a clear obligation for VonKempisResources.
- VonKempisResources communicates closely with its customers, suppliers and principals to ensure the implementation of REACh
Helpful links
For more REACh information and help, please consult the following public links.
- The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), in Helsinki, has the main task of managing the registration process and carrying out dossier evaluations. It will also co-ordinate the substance evaluation process and will make most of the decisions resulting from those evaluations.
- The official Navigator from the European Chemical Agency helps you to determine your obligations under REACh and to find the appropriate guidance on how to fulfill these obligations.
- The REACh Centrum is the new professional services body for the implementation of REACh established by the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), the Brussels-based organization representing the European Chemical industry.
- IMA-Europe represents the interests of the industrial minerals industry at the EU level. IMA-Europe is an umbrella organization which brings together a number of European associations connected to individual minerals.
- FECC is the European voice of the chemical distribution and trading industry. Its membership includes both national associations and companies throughout Europe. FECC members create value in the supply chain by meeting the demands of over one million downstream users ranging over all branches of industry, with their specific needs and diverse purchase volumes.